Bed Bug Attorneys

Are we Losing the War on Bedbugs?

The blood-sucking little monsters, bed bugs, are becoming resistant to common insecticides.

The Huffington Post reports that in the ongoing battle between bedbugs and the humans whose blood they suck, it seems the bugs may be winning — at least in some parts of the country.

After a recent list of the most bed bug infested cities in the USA was released by Terminix in February, new research conducted on bedbugs from homes in Cincinnati, Ohio, Jersey City, New Jersey, and Troy, Michigan, shows the pesky little bloodsuckers have become resistant to the insecticides commonly used to kill them. So, what do we do now?

“While we all want a powerful tool to fight bedbug infestations, what we are using as a chemical intervention is not working as effectively as it was designed to,” Dr. Troy Anderson, an assistant professor of entomology in the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and one of the scientists behind the research, said in a written statement.

The answer is more research is needed to determine whether bedbugs in other parts of the country have become resistant to the insecticides, a family of compounds known as neonicotinoids, or neonics. But that disturbing possibility might help explain the results of a recent online survey by the National Pest Management Association and the University of Kentucky, which showed that 64 percent of pest management professionals think bed bug infestations are on the rise.

Bed bug infestations seem to be something that will continue to be an issue in commercial and residential locations. If you or someone you know have been affected by bed bugs at any commercial property or facility, please contact our lawyers for a FREE case evaluation.

Read the article at the Huffington Post by David Freeman for the details…

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